Printing at Oriel

  • Click on the following link or enter the URL in your web browser:  
  • You should see the screen below, enter your Oxford (Single-Sign On) or printing credentials username and keep the password field blank. Click the Login button.
  • Please ensure you enter your Oxford/printing credentials SSO username (just your username no correctly otherwise you’ll be unable to release your jobs from the copiers.

  • You will now be given the option to upload a document to print. Click Choose File and select a file to print from your computer or device (note the list of supported file types).
  • Please note that webprint supports .pdf files, so if you are trying to print MS Office files like word (.docx), excel ( .xlsx), powerpoint (. pptx/ppsx) etc then you need to save the file as .pdf format first, MS Office files are not currently supported.

  • Once you've selected the file click Next.
  • The file will now be processed. You will need to wait for this to complete before you can send the document to print.
  • Click the Advanced option tick box if you wish to change the Print Output Settings from the default (see image below) for your print job.
  • Click on Click here to Send to Printer in order to submit your job.

  • To print in colour, remove the tick box option to the right of ‘Print in black/white even if document contains color’.
  • Once you have submitted the document you will get a confirmation message on screen. You can upload further documents by selecting ‘Choose File’ again.

  • You will then be able to release your print jobs from any of the multi-functional devices located in the Library, HLT, and JMH by presenting your university card.
  • Visitors with printing credentials need to enter the username and password using the LCD screen